About Radio Evergreen
In case you haven’t noticed, terrestrial radio is, well… some would say “dying” but we prefer to say it requires Assisted Living.
Huge expenses and aging technology mean more pressure to sell advertising JUST to pay the bills, let alone make a profit. More advertising means less listening to what you really tuned in to hear.
And then there are those damn phones. People who want to listen to music have so many options, including paying a little extra to NOT hear ads!
People who want to listen to news can subscribe to a few news channels or their favorite alternative podcasters.
Radio Evergreen isn’t about competing in those games.
It’s about a return to the good old days with a new delivery system.
Curated music with a friendly personality. Roots in the community. Familiar favorites plus new indie music, often from local artists.
On the internet to your computer and yes… your phone.
We hope you love it, and share us with your friends all over the world. Just copy this link and share on social media or send by text or email: